As a Merchant, you can integrate your application with our easy to use API to accept payments. Using a unique endpoint, you can integrate with many financial entities (Banks, Credit Cards, Mobile Money, Prepaid Internet Cards). Users will reach a configurable interface integrated with any design and pay seamlessly.
Users can access, review and pay all their bills in one place
Merchants can integrate their application with the billing system to generate bills. After having visualized the details of a bill, a User can decide to pay the bill and be redirected to our payment gateway. No hassle creating invoices. Cheaper than paper
Our systems of audit, reporting and notifications are standalone applications and comply with the Payment Gateway, the Billing System or both. Using Big Data technologies, you are able to retrieve quickly large quantities of information. Our trained Machine Learning models can accurately predict when a transaction will be fraudulent.
We can provide a full payment solution with up to date technologies and customized to your needs. When the solution is developed, we will happily train you to use it and even customize it yourself.