Paylican Audit is a tool designed to provide executives and decision-makers with a set of customizable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and offer real-time insight into the state of business operations and facilitation.
It interfaces with Paylican Invoice and Paylican Gateway to provide real-time alerts, reports and dashboards to assess performance and risk. In addition, the system provides a set of convenient parameters to simulate revenue tables such as increasing tax values. Thanks to Big Data technologies, the system is able to produce reports on large data sets very quickly.
The Paylican Audit statistics and reporting system is a tracking platform for Merchants, Taxpayers and Government that enables transaction logging and provides full transaction traceability for each payment scenario.
The platform also provides advanced reporting on various processes, including payments, reconciliations, invoicing, taxation. In addition to the audit system, we have the ability to generate reports in XML, PDF or CSV. Reports are available on all processes without distinction. For example, it is possible to obtain payment status information for each invoice.
The payment platform is capable of monitoring fraud and managing risk through advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities.
We have a proprietary solution for fraud detection using Machine Learning and we also rely on security layers provided by the Payment Issuers, such as 3D Secure 2 for credit card payment. Our platform enables transaction logging through the Paylican Audit system which provides full transaction traceability for each payment scenario.
Payment notifications are sent securely via Webhooks, and Merchants have a Dashboard to set up their online transaction system.
Merchants can integrate with the Paylican platform via its API, which allows for fast and efficient interfacing.